

Professor Wang Xiaoyun Awarded Qiushi Outstanding Scientist Prize



By Li Han

Staff Writer of the Tsinghua News Center

Tsinghua Professor Wang Xiaoyun was awarded the Qiushi Outstanding Scientist Prize at the 2006 annual meeting of the China Association for Science and Technology, held in the Great Hall of the People on September 16.

Professor Andrew Chi-chih Yao, the Turing Award Winner, gave an introduction to Professor Wang.

Professor C. N. Yang, the Nobel Prize Winner, awarded the certification of honors to Professor Wang in recognition of her achievements in cryptology studies.



Professor Wang Xiaoyun was born in 1966 in Shandong Province. She got her Ph.D in Mathematics in Shandong University in 1993 and was a Professor of Shandong University before she came to Tsinghua. In 2005, Professor Wang was invited as a C.N.Yang Professor of the Center of Advanced Study, Tsinghua University. She is also the Changjiang Scholar specially appointed professor of Tsinghua. Professor Wang was renowned for breaking two international crypto system standards for electronic communications, MD5 and SHA-1, finding weakness.


Five faculty members at Tsinghua University received the Qiushi Outstanding Youth Technology Transfer Award at the meeting.

(Photos from China.org.cn)



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